Thursday, October 8, 2009

Using your curriculum to fully support Standards.

Here is the first of what I hope to be many posts that strike a chord with Early Childhood Educators.
Creative Curriculum from Teaching Strategies provides an alignment with the NAEYC program standards. This in turn helps you as you work towards implementing the Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards as they align with NAEYC's program standards. can use this alignment document as you consider how your curriculum and assessment materials meet the standards.

Creative Curriculum crosswalk with NAEYC standards

I will add to this as we get going through the standards, but print this document and keep it handy.


  1. This is so fantastic that there is a site for all of us who care so deeply for children, can get on and share ideas and concerns! Thanks for putting it together Pam! It will be fun to see what wonderful ideas we all have!

  2. thanks for all your help with the ECI the past few years. frustrating for you at times, i'm sure, but know that we do appreciate all that you and your cohorts have done and are doing for all of us and the children.
